Panorama view of the Prophet’s (S) House

3-D Representation of the Prophet’s House. Beautiful!

“The picture shows a replication of The Prophet Mohammad’s (peace be upon him) House. The model of the house was built to give people a glimpse of the way the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) lived. This house is just a part of a bigger exhibition of the life of the prophet (peace be upon him).

The house was reproduced based on authentic narrations that describe the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) house.

The Exhibition is held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.”

It really made me happy getting a glimpse of the house of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), even if it was a renderation of what it may have looked like. It looks slightly disproportionate (larger) in size due to the panorama, it could have been much smaller. I imagine it would be a lot darker at night as well, even with lamps. Otherwise, failry accurate (Allahu allam).

Also, note that Prophet Muhammad used to sleep on the floor, while his wife slept on the bed. He insisted doing so (I believe it was so that he could wake up early for fajr prayers). There are two entrances, one leading to the masjid and the other outside.

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